Shoreham Cement Works redevelopment MUST include truly affordable housing

South Downs National Park Authority view of the Shoreham Cement Works

South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) are holding a public consultation on the Area Action Plan Issues and Options for the redevelopment of Shoreham Cement Works.

Most of the site comes under Horsham District Council but there is a small section of the brownfield area of the site designated for housing that falls within the Adur District Council boundary.

Having attended the public meeting Adur Collective Community Land Trust (ACCLT) will be submitting a response to the housing section arguing strongly for community owned housing to be part of the housing mix.

Shoreham Cement Works is an extraordinary site and the SDNPA is looking for an exemplary redevelopment that will build back better, greener and more local. It has a strategic objective to create new jobs and homes, with affordable housing being a priority.

We believe that ACCLT is uniquely placed to help them deliver this challenging goal.

Any homes that we create will be available for rent at rates linked to local wages which means that they will be truly affordable for now and in the future. Because the homes would be owned by ACCLT they could never be sold off for personal profit or be subject to Right to Buy. For us, “building back much better” means creating homes rooted in community ownership with affordable rents which can be sustained in the long term.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this potential opportunity.

Any thoughts? – Let us know by 18th July

If you have thoughts or comments about our plan of action we would love to hear from you.

Just drop us a line by email on or give me – Linda – a call on 07983 411899

Have your say

If you would like to add your own comments on the development of the site you can visit the SDPA website where you can read the full Issues & Options version of the Shoreham Cement Works Area Action Plan and view specially filmed drone footage.

The consultation runs from Tuesday 07 June to Tuesday 02 August 2022.

Please don’t forget to mention you are a member of ACCLT.

Chesham House – quick update

You might have heard that the Royal Voluntary Service has made the decision to keep Chesham House in Lancing open for a further year.

Whilst we are very pleased that this valuable community asset is not being lost, it does mean that this is no longer a potential opportunity for ACCLT to create community owned homes.